Medicinal Terms

It's important to do your research on a particular herb you're wanting to use in healing as each medicinal herb offers more than one medicinal property and action within the body. 

Because everyone's body is different, an herb used for a particular ailment may work great in the healing for one person but not another. 

Also, as many herbs do have the same properties and actions within the body, that doesn't necessarily mean they will all work the same in healing a particular ailment. 

There are several factors that one has to also take into consideration.

For example, several months ago my index fingers started to show signs of arthritis. Pain, swelling and stiffness. 

I could have taken any herb that has healing properties for inflammation and waited for my fingers to heal, but with healing, it goes much deeper than that.

I took a look at my diet. There were foods in my diet that could have contributed to inflammation within the body. 

Not that inflammation is all bad, it's just one of many ways our body protects it's self from viruses, harmful bacteria and other foreign invaders. 

It's when it turns into chronic inflammation which then creates an imbalance within the body, which can lead to many health issues. 

Do a google search on inflammation in the body and you just may be surprised to find all the illnesses and diseases caused by chronic inflammation.    

Okay, back to the food in my diet that was creating too much inflammation. Processed sugar and gluten. 

So first I cut back (and eventually eliminated) the sugar from my diet. Which wasn't easy as processed sugar is so addictive. 

Next came the gluten, which I found to be just as difficult to stop eating as the sugar. 

Okay, so, now I began thinking about how the flow of internal energy plays a role in our health in conjunction with diet. 

When that internal energy becomes blocked, over time, illness and aliments can manifest in the body. 

These illnesses and aliments are of course just our bodies way of letting us know that something is internally out of balance. 

Looking at blocked energy from an emotional perspective, and the fact that the aliment was in my fingers, lead me to look at how I viewed my relationships with others, especially when it came to asking for and or receiving help. 

Keep in mind the reason for arthritis in someone else's fingers may be completely different than the reason why it manifested in mine.

So with the change in my diet, working on the emotional reasons of my energy blockage, (asking for and accepting help) and finding the herb that worked the best with my bodies inflammation, I can say that my fingers are now free from the arthritis symptoms I was having. Yay! 

So, you see, there is so much more to internal healing than just taking a particular herb for an ailment. 

There are the emotional issues that create the energy blockages, diet and lifestyle habits, the medicinal properties and actions of how the herbs work, and finding an herb/herbs that works with your body, mind and spirit to help to restore that inner balance.

I guess I could mention what herb I used. After some trials with different anti-inflammatory herbs, it was turmeric that worked the best for me. 

I took 10 drops of a turmeric tincture in 1/8 cup of water once a day for a month. 

I also added some black pepper to the water before taking as the pepper helps the body absorb the turmeric better.    

Below is a list of the different medicinal properties herbs offer. I copied and pasted the link from the American Botanical Council.

To the right of the property name is a short description as to how the herb works within the body. 

I decided to add the list to this site as I am a big believer that we all need to have an active role in our own healing. 


analeptic - restorative or stimulating effect on central nervous system

analgesic - relieve pain

anaphrodisiac - reduces capacity for sexual arousal

anesthetic - induces loss of sensation or consciousness due to the depression of nerve function

antibacterial - destroying or stopping the growth of bacteria

antibilious - easing stomach stress

anticatarrhal - reduces inflamed mucous membranes of head and throat

antidepressant - therapy that acts to prevent, cure, or alleviate mental depression

antidiabetic - preventing or relieving diabetes

antidiarrhetic- substances use to prevent or treat diarrhea

antiemetic - stopping vomiting

antifungal - destroying or inhibiting the growth of fungus

antihemorrhagic - controlling hemorrhaging or bleeding

anti-infectous - counteracting infection

anti-inflammatory - controlling inflammation, a reaction to injury or infection

antimalarial - preventing or relieving malaria

antimicrobial - destructive to microbes

antioxident - prevents or inhibits oxidation

antipruritic - preventing or relieving itching

antipyretic - agent that reduces fever (febrifuge)

antirheumatic - easing pain of rheumatism, inflammation of joints and muscles

antiseptic - agent used to produce asepsis and to remove pus, blood, etc.

antispasmodic - calming nervous and muscular spasms or convulsions

antitussive - controlling or preventing cough

antiviral - opposing the action of a virus

aperient - a very mild laxative

aperitive - stimulating the appetite for food

aphrodisiac - substance increasing capacity for sexual arousal

asepsis - sterile, a condition free of germs, infection, and any form of life

astringent - agent that constricts and binds by coagulation of proteins a cell surface

bitter - stimulates appetite or digestive function

cardiotonic - increases strength and tone (normal tension or response to stimuli) of the heart

carminative - causing the release of stomach or intestinal gas

catarrhal - pertaining to the inflammation of mucous membranes of the head and throat

cathartic - an active purgative, producing bowel movements

cholagogue - an agent that increases flow of bile from gallbladder

cicatrizant - aiding formation of scar-tissue and healing wounds

counterirritant - agent producing an inflammatory response for affecting an adjacent area

demulcent - soothing action on inflammation, especially of mucous membranes

dermatitis - inflammation of the skin evidenced my itchiness, redness, and various lesions

diaphoretic - increases perspiration (syn: sudorific)

diuretic - increases urine flow

dysmenorrhea - painful menstruation

dyspepsia - imperfect or painful digestion

ecbolic - tends to increase contractions of uterus, facilitating childbirth

emetic - produces vomiting

emmenagogue - agent that regulates and induces normal menstruation

emollient - softens and soothes the skin

errhine - bringing on sneezing, increasing flow of mucus in nasal passages

escharotic - a caustic substance that destroys tissue and causes sloughing

estrogenic - causes the production of estrogen

euphoriant - produces a sense of bodily comfort; temporary effect and often addictive

expectorant - facilitates removal of secretions

febrifuge - an agent that reduces or relieves a fever

flatulence - excessive gas in the stomach or intestine

galactagogue - an agent that promotes the flow of milk (syn: galactogenic)

hemagogue - an agent that promotes the flow of blood

hemostatic - controls the flow or stops the flow of blood

hepatic - having to do with the liver

herpetic - treating skin eruptions relating to the herpes virus

hypertensive - raises blood pressure

hypoglycemant - agent that lowers blood sugar

hypotensive - lowers blood pressure

lactifuge - reduces the flow of milk

laxative - substance that acts to loosen the bowels contents

masticatory - increases flow of saliva upon chewing

narcotic - induces drowsiness, sleep, or stupor and lessons pain

nervine - a nerve tonic

neuralgia - severe sharp pain along the course of a nerve

parturfaciant - induces contractions of labor at childbirth

purgative - laxative, causes the evacuation of intestinal contents

resorbent - aids reabsorption of blood from bruises

rheumatism - a general term for acute or chronic conditions characterized by inflammation 

of the muscles and joints (includes arthritis, gout, bursitis, myositis, and fibromyositis).

rubefacient - agent which reddens skin, dilates the vessels, and increases blood supply locally

sedative - exerts a soothing, tranquilizing effect on the body

soporific - inducing sleep

stimulant - temporarily increases body or organ function

stomachic - aids the stomach and digestion action

sudorific - acts to increase perspiration

tonic - a substance that increases strength and tone 

There are many layers to the healing process. Be sure to be gentle with yourself along the way.