Guide to Flower Essences PDF

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Flower essence healing is different from the type of plants used for extracting the medicinal properties from. Let's look at lavender for example:

If we were to prepare an herbal tincture with fresh lavender, and vodka for extracting the medicinal properties from the lavender, once that process was complete, it would have within the liquid the physical healing properties from the plant. 

Whereas with flower essences, we are using the essence of the flower. The vibrational imprint, it's unseen energy. This type of healing is for the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of you, which affects your physical well being too. 

It all ties in together. When you’re working with flowers in this way, it gives one an opportunity for such a deep and meaningful healing connection; not only with the physical aspect of flowers, but with the energy aspect of them as well, and also a deeper connection with one’s self too. 

Take a journey with me into the world of flower essences. Learn how to prepare your flower essence for your own personal growth and emotional development.

Table of Contents 

Section 1 History of flower essences 
Section 2 How do flower essences work 
Section 3 What to expect when taking flower essences 
Section 4 Preparing and preserving flower essences 
Section 5 How to take your flower essence 
Section 6 Flower essence stories 
Section 7 Types of flower essences 
Section 8 Randomly asked questions about flower essences