Reiki Analogy

Have you ever built a small dam in a creek by using rocks and sticks? 

By using enough raw material you can do a pretty good job of blocking the natural flow of water thus creating a deep, still, pool of water. 

If you were to leave your homemade dam there for a few months it would become a stagnant, smelly, bacteria ladened cesspool. Ewww, how could you do such a thing?

Okay, so, this is where my comparative comes into play. Think of the water as the inner energy that flows inside your body. 

The raw materials you used to build your dam represent all the emotional, mental and physical stress you have experienced (and are still holding onto) throughout your lifetime. 

Just like that creek has become stagnant and unhealthy from being blocked from your dam, your internal flow of energy also becomes stagnant and unhealthy from being blocked by the painful experiences of your past.

The physical illness a person is experiencing is, in part, the result from carrying one's emotional and or mental stress with them; those memories of an incident that you had gone through sometime in your life. 

Those memories are what cause one to hold onto the anger, the fear, the sorrow, the guilt, the regret, the sadness, the hate, the jealousy. 

Those emotions, they take up residency inside you and over time your physical body begins to weaken and that is when the physical illnesses have a tendency to show up.
There are different forms of energy healing that can assist in releasing internal blocked energy. There is reiki, flower essences, acupuncture, massage and reflexology to name a few.

If you resonate with reiki healing, and are interested in receiving long distance healing or are interested in learning more about energy healing, feel free to message me anytime!